
The other view of learning and behavioural blocks

M-8 , by looking at learning and behavioral blocks differently, offers an effective way to understand learning difficulties and behavior problems and guide development.


Especially in these times, the longing for simple solutions is great. The essential often lies in the simple. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours, Karin Fürst.

Accompany development

Evolutionary Pedagogy® - Learning Consulting P.P. - Dyslexia - Dyscalculia - Learning didactics


Karin Fürst, MSc, MBA

Lenaugasse 11 - direction Kritzendorf
3400 Klosterneuburg

+43 (0)650-41 51 782

Please note:

When travelling by car: There are 3 Lenaugassen here in Klosterneuburg. I am in Lenaugasse in Klosterneuburg (not in Weidling, Kierling, Maria Gugging). Either your navigations system shows Lenaugasse (direction Kritzendorf), or you enter Martinstraße 189 and drive into the opposite Lenaugasse. You are then in the right place. Parking spaces are available in front of the practice.

Comfortable arrival by train. Get off at Unterkritzendorf station. Footpath approx. 8 minutes:


Convenient arrival by public bus. Get off at the Schubertgasse station. The bus stops directly in front of my practice.
City bus

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dyslexia dyscalculia trainer