M-8_Didactics of learning, recognizing and solving learning difficulties
Dyscalculia and dyscalculia show themselves in learning difficulties and behavioral blocks. Evolutionary Pedagogy® creates the conditions for stress-free learning. The AFS test provides clarity as to whether dyscalculia or dyscalculia is the background for the learning and behavioral blockages.
Understanding dyscalculia, dyscalculia, dyscalculia, learning difficulties
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Understanding learning difficulties:

Learning didactics - Easier and more successful learning


Learning is an individual and creative process. Experiences with learning successes or learning failures shape the way we deal with and our interest in learning, in our own growth, discovery and further development. Are new things perceived as an exciting challenge or as an arduous burden? Depending on the access and the mediation in the parental home as well as the schooling and the experiences that go along with it, the school career of learning has an influence on the professional career of learning.


Learning - a lifelong process

For us humans, curiosity is the driving force for learning, for our development. If we observe small children, we see how, thanks to curiosity, they constantly expand their radius of action and learn. Step by step, they build on their experiences.

School requires balance and well-trained sensory perceptions, which are the foundation for stress-free learning. The interdisciplinary approach of Evolutionary Pedagogy® enables us to create the conditions for stress-free learning.

Recognize learning difficulties in time


Elementary school is the first major playing field of learning. With the goal of becoming valuable members of society, our children learn how to socialize in a learning group with stricter rules and guidelines. The proper use of letters and numbers and time constraints are the conditions with which children are now confronted and socialized. The individual ability to learn becomes apparent.


Some children already show learning difficulties in elementary school. These should be carefully observed and supported so that the child can achieve learning success. After all, these first experiences are formative for the child's further dealings with the subject of school. The child learns about learning frustration or learning desire.


Tutoring or remedial instruction should be intermittent in elementary school and should not have to be permanent. Attentiveness is important because these experiences shape the child's self-image. Can I do something, or can I not do something?


Practical experience shows that difficulties in writing, reading and arithmetic are often the cause of behavioral problems. Children cannot cope with the way our cultural techniques are taught. They are in comparison and thus in competition with their classmates and express this with frustration, aggression or lack of motivation. The background for these difficulties often lies in a different sensory perception and thus a different information processing. However, this can be found out easily and supported purposefully.


Elementary school and the associated experiences around learning are the foundation for the house to be built called life.

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Learning didactics helps to make learning easier


"Our brain is always learning. It likes nothing better and can't do anything else! A lifetime"

(Dr. Manfred Spitzer, psychiatrist, psychologist, university lecturer/University of Ulm)

This is really good news. Unfortunately, it contrasts with the daily perception of many students.


Didactics of learning - what is it?

Learning didactics deals with the large field of learning problems. It is not tutoring in the classical sense of content, but it works out a strategy together with the learner on how to overcome the learning problems and master the learning workload. Communication and cooperation are the basis for a promising collaboration.


Learning difficulties are as individual as a fingerprint

Often, major hurdles become apparent in the transition from elementary school to lower school. The complexity and pace increase, more personal responsibility and organization is expected from our children. However, each child has his or her own pace. This requires guidance and good observation on the part of the parents.


Where and how do the hurdles show up? If the child does not build on a good foundation of content, this should be made up for quickly and specifically. The gaps can be easily identified. The earlier targeted support takes place here, the better, as the child can confidently get through everyday school life and the new learning content can be built on.


The required speed, especially the writing speed, is often an obstacle for children. Balance and good hand-eye coordination are crucial for a correct pen posture to be possible. Writing by hand is an important process in memorization, in addition to capturing and structuring thoughts.


The variety of subjects and additional learning is increasing. This is where children need support with proper scheduling. Small, short learning units every day are more effective for our brains than long learning units before schoolwork.


Learning as a guide to independence

Learning is a creative and very individual process. But everyone enjoys being able to do something new. It is helpful to find out what type of learner you are: visual, auditory, motor or communicative or a little of each.

If your child has the prerequisites and the necessary consistent guidance, a smooth transition to self-responsibility and independence succeeds from school year to school year.



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Phenomena around learning are learning blockades, test anxiety, excessive demands, lack of motivation or black-out during exams. The more often one or their child has these experiences, the more they manifest themselves. Lack of self-confidence in one's own abilities develops.


"It is not the events that are essential, but what the brain makes of them" (L. Koneberg).


"Behind the stress lies the talent".

Ludwig Koneberg