Students – M-8 Evolution Pedagogy and Learning Counselling | Klosterneuburg, Vienna by Karin Fürst
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You don't have to learn to learn, learning goes without saying. But only if we are balanced.

Sit still!
Write more beautifully!

These are the statements that we very often say ourselves, or at least often think. Why does my child copy wrong? Why does he twist the numbers? When does he remember where right and left are? At home my child can do everything, but at school it's all gone? Very often there is simply no other way. But there is the possibility to support your child to solve these problems and thus save many discussions. At school, different competences are needed to be able to call up our potential and to master the challenges set. A three-dimensional balance is needed so that learning can be stress-free.

Concentration difficulties


Reading, writing and calculation difficulties

Dyslexia, Dyscalculia


Stress doing homework 


Bed wetting

To stutter

Exam anxiety, fear of failure, fear of speaking to a group...

experience report

Field report from practice:

When my son Samuel came home with his first homework, he was full of pride. He accomplished his first exercises quite neatly and with much devotion. When it came to reading, however, I noticed that, although he could read the letters, he recalled the words from memory, but did not read them from the paper. I got nervous and asked for help. I came to Karin on recommendation. After a few exercises the problem was solved – and I calmed down.

It's really the networking. Movement and balance are everything.

T. Hoffmann

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